Agent panel

In the left-hand agent panel you are shown the categories and agents structuring your search most efficiently.

Categories describe the major subject area (for example "economy" or "news"). Please choose a category first before selecting a special agent. The categories are labeled by coloured boxes.

Agents are specialized searching engines searching through different special sources referring to the subject of the query. The agent window always shows the agents to the chosen category.

If you have chosen a certain category, its specific agents will be shown underneath. The other categories will always be visible in the panel so that you can change the subject for another search easily.

After having chosen a category and an agent, you can enter your search term in the keyword line with its own or more input fields, depending on the agent. Then you can start the search.

You can blind out the agent panel over the menu View or the respective symbol in the subject line. Apart from that, you can change the sight by clicking on the symbols in the vertical sidebar beneath the agent panel.

If your mouse stands on a certain agent a pop-up window is automatically called up giving short information about the subjects this agent is working for, the number of results of the current and the last research etc.

You can also call up the agent's online help by clicking the right mouse button. This help, appearing in the browser panel, will give you further information about the agent's function and how to do the search correctly.

You can find further information under:

Command Agent panel (View menu)
BINGOOO systematics
Searching criteria in BINGOOO
Category definition
Agent definition